Monday, June 3, 2013

Why Do Many Professing Believers NOT Know the Gospel?

Yesterday, three young missionaries from Hungary shared with several of our life groups about their ministry.  One of them, a young lady, shared how she had searched for many years in Hungary to find someone to tell her how a person could go to heaven. She searched for months and no one could give her any answers. Recently, I have asked several professing Christians the question, What is the Gospel? The responses were very disappointing and even frightening.  You could even say their answers were in fact, Another Gospel.  I'm convinced, more than ever, that the simple understanding of the GOSPEL has been missing from many of our churches and especially our pulpits. Why do people in our churches not know the Gospel? I'll start the discussion.

One Possible Reason -  Important words are missing from our teaching
   Words are powerful.  Words are necessary for proper communication to take place.  Words are absolutely necessary for our ideas to be shaped correctly.  Why are words like Atonement, Substitution, Regeneration (Born Again), Justification, Propitiation, Transformation, Sanctification, and Glorification missing from the Christian's vocabulary? Some have said that those words are "too big" and that seekers who visit our church won't understand what we are talking about if we use them. Those BIBLE words are too hard to understand and people will not stay in our church if they cannot understand what we are talking about. Psychiatry is a big and complicated word. Can we use that word?  Rehabilitation is a big and complicated word. Can we use that word? Intervention is a big and complicated word.  Can we use that word?  Relevant is a big and complicated word.  Is it admissible to use that word?  I understand that these are familiar words and why you may consider them acceptable for Sunday morning TALKS.  I think that's what some call them now, TALKS rather than SERMONS. The word SERMON is one of those big BIBLE words too so let us stay away from that one.  So rather than making God's WORDS familiar to believers we are using man's words to replace the Gospel. Maybe that's one reason why people in our churches do not know the Gospel. 

One last thought, if the majority of our church attendees(Christ Professors) do not understand the Gospel, are we even a church?  What do you think?  I would love to hear your thoughts this week.  Stay on topic. Stay respectful. Why do many professing believers not know the Gospel? 


  1. Here is a sermon I commend to you. It is excellent!

    In Christ,
    Michelle Johnson

    1. I have heard this message. It is excellent. God Bless.

  2. You are so right...I totally agree with too many churches using man's word rather than the word of God. I really like the last paragraph in the link below.
