Monday, June 24, 2013


     Who is the church worship service for?  I heard a pastor ask this question recently.  He asked, "Should the service be geared toward believers or unbelievers?"  I believe the way you answer this question is very important. The Church, if confused about this question will find itself like a ship without a rudder. I hear pastors passionately defending their own philosophies. Some say the focus of the service should be geared toward believers others say the unbelievers should be in mind.  Others say both the believer and the unbeliever should be in mind. So which is it?  What would you say?  If you were sitting down and planning the next worship service for your church, who would you be thinking about?  Would you focus the service on the believer?  Would you see the edification of the believer as your primary focus or would you focus the service on the unbeliever?  Would you see the need to relate yourself as best you can to the unbeliever?  Would your filter be the question, How are unbelievers going to respond to what we do, say and sing?

       Let me ask the question with a different emphasis.  Who is the church WORSHIP service for?  Who should our WORSHIP service focus on? The ultimate answer is GOD. Our worship service should be focused on knowing God, loving God and seeking God. Consider this quote from John MacArthur, Wherever pragmatism exists in the church, there is always a corresponding de-emphasis on Christ's sufficiency, God's sovereignty, biblical integrity, the power of prayer, and Spirit-led ministries. The result is a man-centered ministry that attempts to accomplish divine purposes by superficial programs and human methodology rather than by the Word or the power of the Spirit. In John 17:3 Jesus said, "This is eternal life, that they may know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent." Focus on and point people toward God through preaching and teaching His Word. Remember, " comes by hearing and hearing through the word of Christ." (Romans 10:17)  Your worship service will be an aroma of LIFE to those who believe God and the aroma of DEATH to those who reject God.  LET IT BE.  If our focus is on God and his Word, the believer will be equipped for every good work and grow up in all aspects in Christ (Ephesians 4:15) So, our worship is to be focused on God and in turn the believer will be edified. Unbelievers will be present in the worship services and our prayer is that the unbeliever's heart would be revealed and " falling on his face, he will worship God and declare that God is really among you." (1 Corinthians 14:25).

       We are really good at making things about us.  I heard recently of a lady who changed churches because her new church had better coffee! Listen, find a church where God and His Word are the focus.   Make your corporate and private worship about God. "As a church we must love Jesus, or else we have lost our reason for existence." Spurgeon

   I believe that if pastors and church leaders will focus their WORSHIP service toward God and proclaiming His perfect Word, Jesus will be lifted up and glorified.  I believe the Holy Spirit will be present.  I believe that God will inhabit the praises of His people.  I believe Jesus will draw people to Himself.  I  believe the believer and the unbeliever will be gloriously impacted.

Brandon Stanley

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